Steffans Legal -- The Employment Law Firm

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Steffans Legal Secures Class Certification in Mileage Reimbursement Case

In 2021, Steffans Legal filed a wage and hour class action against UTS of Massachusetts, Inc. regarding UTS’s reimbursement for transportation expenses at rates lower than the IRS rate. We argued UTS violated the Massachusetts Wage Act (M.G.L. ch. 149 s 148) by not reimbursing for mileage at the IRS rate, something we believe is required in Massachusetts as Massachusetts law provides that:

(d) An employee required or directed to travel from one place to another after the beginning of or before the close of the work day shall be compensated for all travel time and shall be reimbursed for all transportation expenses. 454 CMR 27.04(d).

We believe the only rate that reimburses employees for “all” transportation expenses is the IRS rate because that rate captures “all” expenses. We filed this action on a class basis, meaning we are seeking to recover damages for all people impacted by this policy.

On November 15, 2022, Judge Shannon Frison of Middlesex County Superior Court granted our motion for class certification and permitted us to take this case to trial on behalf of our client as well as all others who were impacted by this policy. We are incredibly proud of this result and look forward to continuing to fight to recover compensation on behalf of these employees.

If you have questions about this case or believe your employer has failed to reimburse you for mileage and transportation expenses contact us today through the link below.